(ESP) Este año fui invitado a ilustrar un patrón para la colaboración entre Bohioplaya, una de las marcas más prolíficas de la ciudad de Medellín, junto a la marca Go Rigo Go propiedad de uno de los mejores ciclistas de Colombia y el mundo: Rigoberto Urán, quisimos hacer un homenaje a las rutas de ciclismo más relevantes de Colombia, mostrando sus principales características y recordando que no solo tenemos una fábrica natural de ciclistas, sino que estamos rodeados por los paisajes más preciosos por los que un amante de las dos ruedas puede montar su bicicleta. Este fue el resultado:
(ENG) This year I was invited to illustrate a pattern for the collaboration between Bohioplaya, one of the most prolific brands in the city of Medellin, together with the brand Go Rigo Go owned by one of the best cyclists in Colombia and the world: Rigoberto Urán, we wanted to make a tribute to the most relevant cycling routes in Colombia, showing its main features and remembering that we not only have a natural factory of cyclists, but we are surrounded by the most beautiful landscapes through which a lover of two wheels can ride his bike. This was the result:
(ENG) This year I was invited to illustrate a pattern for the collaboration between Bohioplaya, one of the most prolific brands in the city of Medellin, together with the brand Go Rigo Go owned by one of the best cyclists in Colombia and the world: Rigoberto Urán, we wanted to make a tribute to the most relevant cycling routes in Colombia, showing its main features and remembering that we not only have a natural factory of cyclists, but we are surrounded by the most beautiful landscapes through which a lover of two wheels can ride his bike. This was the result:
